Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Funeral of Petros Lorrimor

     After arriving in the wary town of Ravengro, I find my way to the Restlands, the towns cemetery.  There I gaze upon the beauty of Petros' only daughter, Kendra, now twenty five.  She is sad at the loss of her father.  This is obvious by her puffy eyes, and tear streaked face.  She looks kindly at me, recognizing me from our past meetings.  After offering my condolences she asks if I would be a Pall Bearer for her fathers casket.  I agree with no hesitation.
     On the journey to his final resting place our group was accosted by a large group of locals.  No one wanted a confrontation, but it seemed it was not to be avoided. As a seasoned adventurer the locals proved little trouble.  I cast frostbite on the first attacker, stopping him in his tracks.  I drew my blade with lightning speed, and used the pommel of my sword to smash the bridge of the nose of the next man. The rest quickly saw that they were outclassed and ran off.  After speaking with Kendra, I came to understand that the attack was out of fear and ignorance of her father's work.  I was greatly angered by the interruption of a good mans funeral.

     The rest of the ceremony was completed without further interruption, it was presided over by Father  Grimburrow, the local Cleric.  After the sad conclusion to my friends funeral, Kendra requested that I return to her house, (so recently her father's) for a drink, and to hear the reading of the Last Will and Testament.  I had no idea how things would progress from there...

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