Mathelor Duskstar, Lawful Evil Cleric of the Earth Dragon, Twenty three years old, Six feet and two inches, One hundred ninety five pounds, Blonde hair with blue eyes, only out for personal gain of glory and power. He grew up poor, never having anything of value that was his and his alone. Day after day, he watched the clerics of the Earth Dragon in all their fine garments, and vowed to someday be one of them. When he was old enough to enter the church he offered his body and soul to the Earth Dragon, and that was where his clerical training began. He was an adept student, quickly surpassing his classmates in skills and spellcasting. He was given his first suit of armor immediately after completing his clerical training. He cleaned and polished his armor every day. After just a few short adventures he was able to have a custom enchanted suit made for himself. He now wears a suit of +2 spiked full plate, adorned with his holy symbol on the chestplate and on his magical shield, and spreads the word of the church to all in his path.
wonderful , im glad he was able to reach his dream :)