Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mathelor Duskstar, Lawful Evil Cleric of the Earth Dragon, Twenty three years old, Six feet and two inches, One hundred ninety five pounds, Blonde hair with blue eyes, only out for personal gain of glory and power.  He grew up poor, never having anything of value that was his and his alone.  Day after day, he watched the clerics of the Earth Dragon in all their fine garments, and vowed to someday be one of them.  When he was old enough to enter the church he offered his body and soul to the Earth Dragon, and that was where his clerical training began.  He was an adept student, quickly surpassing his classmates in skills and spellcasting.  He was given his first suit of armor immediately after completing his clerical training.  He cleaned and polished his armor every day.  After just a few short adventures he was able to have a custom enchanted suit made for himself.  He now wears a suit of +2 spiked full plate, adorned with his holy symbol on the chestplate and on his magical shield, and spreads the word of the church to all in his path.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Altair Ustivuur is a neutral evil Tiefling character that hails from Geb.  He has traveled to Katapesh to make a name for himself.  He accidentally finds himself in the employ of Princess Almah, as a Gnoll hunter.  He is tasked with finding the lair of the pugwamps, a vile race of creatures which worship the Gnolls.  His companion, a sorcerer named Zastoran is one of his gang from his criminal enterprises.  With a quick wit and even quicker hands, Altair and Zastoran get into no end of troubles trying to eliminate the Gnoll threat.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The idea of a blog post seems like a simple one, until you begin to look at from all the perspectives.  Can I tell a good story? Hell yes! The adventures in the characters of a fantasy role playing game practically write their own novel.  There in lies the problem.  As I sit down to tell their tales, I want to do them justice, not just jot down a quick blurb, but tell the deep and interesting story to its fullest potential.  It then becomes a question of how good a writer am I?  While I think I can do a decent job telling a story, I'm not the greatest typist, I want to add flavor by uploading pics(which I have to search for and then download), which can take a significant amount of time.  I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly(actually Pathfinder currently).  The game sessions take from five to ten hours.  The amount of material produced could easily fill a small novella... EACH WEEK!  So I must apologize for not being better at keeping up with the tales of the characters.  Looking at my game bag(where I store all my gaming gear), I have quite a few characters, all of which have rich deep backgrounds, because that's the way I create them.  I will try to give each character his own post with some history and story line, but if I fail in my endeavor, please know that it is only my fault, and not that of the game.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The tales of Calendar Quickspell and Morghoul the cleric, continue, but first I must interject with a bit of history, Dungeons and Dragons was first published in 1974, I was just 5 years old at the time, but my reading skill was far beyond my years.  I read of monsters, my favorite being the werewolf from the classic Universal films, and horror stories.  It was a few years later that I first read The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, opening my eyes to the wonders of the fantasy genre.  It was while I was in elementary school that I met Anthony Dunleavy, the boy who introduced me to the world of Dungeons and Dragons.  We began with character creation, and I was hooked.  That was over thirty years ago, and I still love creating new characters and guiding through anywhere my imagination can take them.