Thursday, April 26, 2012

The idea of a blog post seems like a simple one, until you begin to look at from all the perspectives.  Can I tell a good story? Hell yes! The adventures in the characters of a fantasy role playing game practically write their own novel.  There in lies the problem.  As I sit down to tell their tales, I want to do them justice, not just jot down a quick blurb, but tell the deep and interesting story to its fullest potential.  It then becomes a question of how good a writer am I?  While I think I can do a decent job telling a story, I'm not the greatest typist, I want to add flavor by uploading pics(which I have to search for and then download), which can take a significant amount of time.  I play Dungeons and Dragons weekly(actually Pathfinder currently).  The game sessions take from five to ten hours.  The amount of material produced could easily fill a small novella... EACH WEEK!  So I must apologize for not being better at keeping up with the tales of the characters.  Looking at my game bag(where I store all my gaming gear), I have quite a few characters, all of which have rich deep backgrounds, because that's the way I create them.  I will try to give each character his own post with some history and story line, but if I fail in my endeavor, please know that it is only my fault, and not that of the game.

1 comment:

  1. excellent , i cant wait to read your charathers background. I have my own Role-Play chara named Thorn Sundark. Perhaps we can Rp sometime :)
